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Combine Endodontic Therapy in Periapical Surgery with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and Bone Graft – A Case Report

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Asian Journal of Dental Research

Source : Asian Journal of Dental Research 2015; 1(2); 4-7

Url :

Campus : Faridabad

Year : 2015

Abstract : A 37-year-old male patient reported to our department with chief complaint of pain and pus discharge from the labial marginal gingiva in the maxillary right lateral incisor region since last 4 months. Clinically, the tooth was hypersensitive to percussion and palpation but failed to respond to pulp sensitivity testing. After periodontal probing, a palatal groove was observed which started at the cingulum and travelled apically and laterally, associated with a pocket depth of 8 mm. Occlusal radiograph showed circumscribed radiolucency measuring 5 mm×7 mm in diameter at the apex of the tooth. A clinical diagnosis of chronic apical abscess was established. The case was treated with a combination of mineral trioxide aggregate and bone graft. At the 6-month follow-up visit, the tooth showed progressive healing without sinus track and sulcular bleeding.

Cite this Research Publication : DivyamGirdhar, Bonny Koul. Combine Endodontic Therapy in Periapical Surgery with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) and Bone Graft. A Case Report. Asian Journal of Dental Research 2015; 1(2); 4-7

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