Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : J head neck physicians surg
Source : J head neck physicians surg 2024; 12:69-73
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Anaesthesiology
Year : 2024
Abstract : Background and Aims: Laryngeal visualization and ease of intubation vary with the use of different video laryngoscopes. We compared the number of attempts taken for successful first-attempt nasotracheal intubation using C-MAC video laryngoscope versus TuoRen video laryngoscope. Ease of intubation and time taken, glottic view, and hemodynamic responses were also compared. Materials and Methods: It was a randomized, single-blinded trial conducted in eighty adult surgical patients with normal airways requiring nasotracheal intubation. In all patients, the protocols for induction and intubation were similar. In Group C, C-MAC video laryngoscope and in Group T, TuoRen video laryngoscope were used. Statistical analysis was done using independent samples t-test and Chi-squared test as applicable. Results: Successful first-attempt intubation was significantly higher in Group C compared to Group T (87.5% vs. 60%). Incidence of fogging was significantly lower in Group C compared to Group T (10% vs. 30%). Time taken for intubation was significantly higher in Group T (34.64 ± 4.38 s vs. 86.25 ± 8.56 s). The view of the glottis obtained was similar in both groups. A significantly higher number of patients in Group C had easy intubation (87.5% vs. 60%). Mean heart rate and mean arterial pressure were significantly higher in Group T after intubation. Conclusion: Successful first-attempt nasotracheal intubation was significantly higher with the use of C-MAC which required lesser attempts and time compared to TuoRen video laryngoscope. The glottic views obtained with both devices were comparable, but the ease of intubation was better and fogging was lesser with C-MAC. The use of TuoRen videoscope was associated with significantly higher hemodynamic responses.
Cite this Research Publication : Rajan S, Chandrasekharan R, Mathew J, Roy R A, Rajkumar R, Paul J. Comparative evaluation of ease of nasotrachealintubationusing C- MAC versus TuoRen video laryngoscope in adult surgical patients: a randomized study. J head neck physicians surg 2024; 12:69-73