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Comparative Image Quality Analysis of Spatial Filters for Pre-processing of CT Abdominal Images

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Webology 18

Source : 2021, Webology 18, Special Issue 4.

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Year : 2021

Abstract : Aim: To determine the efficient noise reduction filter for abdominal CT images. Background: Image enrichment is the first and foremost step that has to be done in all image processing applications. It is used to enhance the quality of digital images. Digital images are liable to addition of noise from various sources such as error in instrument calibration, excess staining of images, etc., Image de-noising is an enhancement technique used to remove / reduce noise present in an image. Reducing the noise of images and preserving its edges are always critical and challenging in image processing. Materials and Method: In this paper, four different spatial filters namely Mean, Median, Gaussian and Wiener were used on 100 CT abdominal images and their performances were compared against the following four parameters: Peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE), Normalised correlation coefficient (NCC) and Normalised Absolute Error (NAE) to determine the best denoising filter for the abdominal CT images. Result: Based on the experimental parameters, the median filter had the maximum efficiency in managing salt and pepper noise than the other three filters. Both Median and Wiener filters showed efficiency in removing the Gaussian noise. Whereas, the Wiener filter demonstrated higher efficiency in reducing both Poisson and Speckle noise. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, we can conclude that the median filter can be used to reduce Salt and Pepper noises. Median and Wiener filters are significantly better for Gaussian Noise and the Wiener filter can be used to reduce both Poisson & Speckle noise in abdominal CT images.

Cite this Research Publication : Mohan, R., Chokkalingam S.P., Ganapathy, K., Rama, A. Comparative Image Quality Analysis of Spatial Filters for Pre-processing of CT Abdominal Images, 2021, Webology 18, Special Issue 4.

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