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Computer Assessment of Practical Skills (CAPS) using Scaffolding Methodology as Enabler of Learning

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Thematic Areas : Learning-Technologies

Publisher : In press,IAJC-ASEE Joint International Conference on Engineering and Technology, Hartford, USA .

Source : In press,IAJC-ASEE Joint International Conference on Engineering and Technology, Hartford, USA (2011)

Keywords : Assessment, CAPS

Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Engineering

Center : Amrita Center For Research in Analytics, Technologies & Education (AmritaCREATE)

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Year : 2011

Abstract : The crucial role of hands on experiments in the school science curriculum is universally accepted. However, a formal assessment of practical skills is lacking, with most schools employing the traditional theory based or multiple choice questions (MCQs) to evaluate students. In this paper we discuss a framework for 'learning-enabled assessment' of practical skills, which gives due consideration to both the structure of the practical assignments and the feedback that promotes learning. This approach opens up many new possibilities that require constructivist learning and higher order thinking skills. Judgment of skills based on performance reports may decrease the student’s confidence. Whereas scaffolds used during the assessment process can improve a student’s proficiency. The design for various online scaffolds used during assessment, that help students' focus and redirect their efforts to the appropriate task needed for mastery of a skill is discussed here. Early studies have shown that students prefer this assessment to the traditional one; as intervention includes the appropriate hands-on simulation or an interactive animation for the concept.

Cite this Research Publication : Prema Nedungadi and Raman, R., “Computer Assessment of Practical Skills (CAPS) using Scaffolding Methodology as Enabler of Learning”, in in press,IAJC-ASEE Joint International Conference on Engineering and Technology, Hartford, USA, 2011.

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