Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Taylor & Francis
Source : Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
Url :
Campus : Chennai
School : School of Engineering
Year : 2024
Abstract : Nanofluidic peristaltic transport is an emerging field of research with potential biomechanical, industrial, and biotechnological applications. Motivated by these utilizations, the present investigation addresses the mixed convective magneto peristaltic flow of radiative Ree-Eyring nanofluid through an inclined divergent channel under the consequences of energy generation, activation energy, viscous and Ohmic dissipation effects. In order to mimic the problem, we employ Cartesian coordinates along with the lubrication approach. The computational software MATLAB is implemented to actualize the numerical shooting process. The impact of major factors on velocity, skin friction coefficient, temperature, heat transfer rate, concentration, and Sherwood number is explored extensively with graphical and tabular representations. The findings discovered that both thermal and solute Grashof numbers cause an upsurge in the distribution of velocity. The Brownian movement parameter decreases the mass transfer rate and increases the heat transfer rate at the channel walls. Temperature distribution of the Ree-Eyring liquid enhances for Eckert number and energy generation parameter. Further, it is found that the concentration field of Ree-Eyring nanofluid is an enhancing function of activation energy.
Cite this Research Publication : Jagadesh, V., S. Sreenadh, M. Ajithkumar, G. Sucharitha, and P. Lakshminarayana. "Convective peristaltic pumping of MHD Ree-Eyring nanofluid in a chemically reacting flexible divergent channel with activation energy and radiation." Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids (2024): 1-16.