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Decision-Driven Classification and Prediction of Brain Tumour

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : IJAER

Source : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), vol. 10, no.2, pp. 2953-2967

Url :

Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Year : 2015

Abstract : As the lifestyle of human beings is enhanced; the prevalence of various diseases also takes its turn. One among those awful diseases is the Brain tumor. It has become common in these days and the diagnosis as well as the treatment has become very important. Early identification of these infected cells resembles to be the urging factor. It is very essential that the medicinal treatment for destruction of these infectious cells has to be found immediately for serving diverse needs of the people (patients) by improving the research strategies which would recover the lives of these people by providing information and resources. Classification, which is one of the extra-ordinary associate of data mining, takes an exceptionally significant responsibility in medical image processing in identifying affected part of the human brain system. The equipment that is widely used for detection of tumor is Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), which with its magnetic pulses and radio waves helps to produce clear and efficient computer image of the organs and tissues in diseased human brain. Data Mining plays a mighty role by providing the analytic and statistical exempla ration of Classification Methodologies in identifying the diseased human brain. In addition to that, Machine learning also extends its applicability in image analysis by segmenting the brain with the use of unsupervised clustering technique for colonizing the pixels of the abnormal area in the diseased part. The following research findings gives a detailed elaboration and survey various attributes of the brain disease with its classification image mining technique proved with results and discussions.

Cite this Research Publication : J. Silviya Nancy, SP. Chokkalingam 2015, ‘Decision-Driven Classification and Prediction of Brain Tumour’, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), vol. 10, no.2, pp. 2953-2967

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