Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Department : Electronics and Communication
Year : 2015
Abstract : Memory arrays are the essential building block inmany of present day digital systems. Therefore understanding the various aspects of designing an SRAM cell is very essential in designing other digital circuits as well. Memory elements consume a larger part of the area in most of the present day integrated circuits. The projects aims at designing and implementing a compact 1KB SRAM cell reducing the area. The circuit was designed in Cadence Virtuoso using the 90nm technology library. One of the most important factor that should be considered while designing any memory circuit is Static Noise Margin (SNM). Therefore static noise margin analysis of the basic 6T SRAM cell is also performed to analyse the circuit for read and write margins. Mat Lab was used for plotting the response of the circuit for various operations such as read, write and hold. © Research India Publications.