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Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Online J Health Allied Scs.
Source : Online J Health Allied Scs
Campus : Amritapuri
School : College of Nursing
Year : 2022
Abstract : Persons with severe mental illness are at increased risk of overweight and obesity both from the illness itself and from its treatment. Purpose: This study aimed to examine the eating behaviour and Body Mass Index (BMI) of patients with severe mental illness and to correlate these two variables. Methods: This descriptive cross sectional study was conducted at the psychiatry outpatient department of a tertiary hospital, Kochi, among 100 patients with severe mental illness who reported for follow up. Patients were interviewed individually after ethical procedures, using Personal information schedule and Three Factor Eating Questionnaire Revised-18, a standardized measure of eating behaviours. Anthropometric measurements were taken and BMI was calculated as per the WHO guideline for Asians. Results: The mean age and BMI of the sample were 49.5± 15.24 and 26.08 ± 4.79 kg/m2 respectively. Cognitive restraint was found to be the most frequently used eating behaviour (48%). Only 39% of the subjects had normal body weight. Overweight and obesity were observed in 39% and 19% respectively. BMI was positively correlated with uncontrolled eating (r=0.244, p<0.015), emotional eating (r=0.223, p<0.026) and eating behavior total score (r=0.293, p<0.003). Uncontrolled eating was high in patients who are non-vegetarian, taking thyroid medications and who reported parental obesity (p<0.05). Stepwise linear regressions revealed parental obesity as the most significant predictor of BMI (F=4.198, p<0.002). Conclusion: The chronic mentally ill require counseling and education about the role of eating behaviours in overweight and obesity and the ways of reducing body weight. Key Words: Body Mass Index (BMI), Overweight, Obesity, Eating behavior, Severe mental illness
Cite this Research Publication : Sreedevi PA, Joshi S, Mohan SS. Eating Behaviour and Body Mass Index of Patients with Severe Mental Illness Attending a Tertiary Hospital, Kochi, Kerala. Online J Health Allied Scs. 2022;21(2):13