Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : J Cardiovasc ThoracAnesth
Source : J Cardiovasc ThoracAnesth 2003;17(6):755-63
Url :,if%20the%20shunt%20is%20reversed.
Campus : Faridabad
Year : 2003
Abstract : Amplatzer Atrial Septal Occluder device has been routinely and successfully used as a percutaneous alternative to cardiac surgery for closure of atrial septal defects. It has shown to the safe with a low complication profile. Complications that most commonly occur with atrial septal defect (ASD) closure devices include malposition or embolization, residual shunt, atrial arrhythmias, thrombosis over the vena cava or atrium, erosion and perforation of the heart, and infective endocarditis. The most common complications associated with an ASD occluder device appear to be embolization and malposition with embolization usually occurring in the main pulmonary artery. We present a case in which the ASO device, AmplatzerTM (Abbott, USA), embolized into the left ventricle.
Cite this Research Publication : Kapoor MC, Singh S, Sharma S, Chatterjee S, Cassoria L, Sommer RJ. Embolization of an atrial septal occluder device. J Cardiovasc ThoracAnesth 2003;17(6):755-63