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Factors influencing intimate partner violence

Publisher : Indian Journal of Community Health

Year : 2019

Abstract : The woman with intimate partner violence is facing more challenges and barriers in domestic circle and it terribly affects the healthy family life. This paper is based on issues and health consequences of family life of women with partner violence. Papers are collected from the online data base like Scopus, Sage, Pub Med, Google scholar, Elsevier and Springer, J-Stor since 2000. Specific search terms were domestic violence, marital partner violence, intimate partner violence, spousal abuse, gender-based violence. The articles were reviewed based on inclusion and exclusion criteria The reviews classified into demographic factors and personal factors and its health consequences. Comparisons in the prior review still the partner violence is prevalent. Recommendations for intervention and suitable techniques should be introduced to eradicate and gain an alert is protecting from all violence’s. © 2019, Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine. All rights reserved.

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