Publication Type : Book Chapter
Publisher : Elsevier
Source : In Scaling Up of Microbial Electrochemical Systems, From Reality to Scalability Advances in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2022, Pages 117-137, Elsevier.
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Campus : Amritapuri
School : School for Sustainable Futures
Year : 2022
Abstract : In this chapter, fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites prepared from the drumstick fruit (DF) fiber were used as the proton exchange membrane (PEM) in single-chambered microbial fuel cells (MFCs). These PEMs have been used as alternative to expensive PEM-like Nafion membranes. The MFCs designed with FRP-PEM were used to treat gray water (GW) and cashew industry effluent (CIE). All the MFCs were arranged in a stack form. The performance of MFC units with FRP-PEM was also compared with MFC with Nafion as PEM while treating gray water.
Cite this Research Publication : Sajithkumar, K. J., & Ramasamy, E. V. (2022). "Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) as proton exchange membrane (PEM) in single-chambered microbial fuel cells (MFCs)", In Scaling Up of Microbial Electrochemical Systems, From Reality to Scalability
Advances in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 2022, Pages 117-137, Elsevier.