Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Medical Sciences
Publisher : Kerala Medical Journal
Source : Kerala Medical Journal, 11(4), 115-117
Url :
Keywords : Myxoma, Atrial, Atrial, Cardiac Tumor, LA Myxoma
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : C. V. T. S
Year : 2018
Abstract : Introduction and Objective: Atrial myxomas are the most common primary cardiac tumors. Here we report a giant left atrial myxoma with mitral inflow and pulmonary venous obstruction and treated successfully by surgical resection Case report: a large left atrial (LA) myxoma of size 9x3.4 cm occupying almost the entire LA with prolapse into the mitral inflow during atrial systole. The soft lobulated tumor was excised with a wide cuff of IAS circumferentially through a bi-atrial approach (Trans right atrial (RA) and LA). CABG was also performed using Left Internal mammary artery Discussion: Once a cardiac myxoma is diagnosed it requires surgical excision, and in the event of a large mass, RA access alone does require significant tumor manipulation and may not permit radical resection
Conclusion: Bi-atrial approach ensures good exposure and enables radical excision of the tumor.
Cite this Research Publication : Valooran, G and Dr. Praveen Varma, “Giant left atrial myxoma causing mitral inflow and pulmonary venous obstruction”, Kerala Medical Journal, 11(4), 115-117.