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Has India met this enemy before? From an eternal optimist’s perspective: SARS-CoV-2

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Indian J Med Sci

Source : Indian J Med Sci 2020; 72(1):8-12

Url :'s_perspective_SARS-CoV2

Campus : Faridabad

Year : 2020

Abstract : Objective We are presently going through a historic and unprecedented crisis for humanity with SARS-CoV-2 causing immense damage to life and world economics. It has been 3 months, since we had the first cluster in China and we felt the need to look into certain regional patterns of transmission of the virus with respect to some distinctive living conditions, incidence of malaria, the genomics of different strains, and its impact on severity. Material and Methods Data for 107 countries was compiled and correlation analysis was done between incidence of malaria and number of SARS-CoV-2 cases. Possibility of genetic similarity between SARS-CoV-2 and reported zoonotic RNA viruses found associated previously with some Plasmodium species was explored by utilizing NCBI database. Results We found a significant inverse correlation between SARS-CoV-2 disease burden and incidence of Malaria. Our analysis also showed that a 12 base pair region encoding a part of surface glycoprotein of SARS- CoV-2 aligned with the Plasmodium associated zoonotic viral genome. Conclusion Our analysis suggests a significantly lower SARS-CoV-2 disease burden in Malaria endemic regions and an inverse correlation with incidence of Malaria. The possibility of a pre-existing immunological memory for SARS-CoV-2 in Indians is possible and needs to be explored further

Cite this Research Publication : Mehta P, Parikh P, Aggarwal S, Batra A, Patel A, Kulkarni P, Pabbi S, et al. Has India met this enemy before? From an eternal optimist’s perspective: SARS-CoV-2. Indian J Med Sci 2020; 72(1):8-12

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