- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship
Publication Type : Conference Paper
Thematic Areas : Wireless Network and Application
Publisher : Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Content Based Multimedia Indexing, Riga, Latvia (CBMI 05).
Source : Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Content Based Multimedia Indexing, Riga, Latvia (CBMI 05), June 2005.
Campus : Amritapuri
School : School of Engineering
Center : Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA)
Department : Wireless Networks and Applications (AWNA)
Year : 2005
Abstract : Multiwindow Gabor representations highlight fingerprints suitable for indexing of macromolecules, based on their local periodic structures. This paper presents a technique for analysis, and comparison of DNA and protein sequences. We use local periodicities to compare sequences and develop techniques that can compare the similarity between sequences in the combined space. We further show that using correlation, and absolute error minimization between the query sequence and sequences in the database, one can search for sequences very efficiently. Thus, from the viewpoint of indexing (and otherwise), macromolecules are much simpler to deal with than images, in that a much more limited, and well-defined dictionary is sufficient for labeling the molecules.
Cite this Research Publication : N. K. Subbanna, Y. Y. Zeevi, “Indexing of Macromolecules Using Multiwindow Gabor Representations”, in Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Content Based Multimedia Indexing, Riga, Latvia (CBMI 05), June 2005.