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Inflight Rerouting for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : GECCO (2)

Source : GECCO (2),

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Year : 2004

Abstract : The availability of new information can often necessitate rerouting of a vehicle. In [1], the set of nonoverlapping useful vicinities of the reconnaissance sites, S, and the 3D space over them was represented using a discrete graph-model. Here, we consider two cases in which an unmanned reconnaissance aerial vehicle must be rerouted. The first scenario involves not visiting useful vicinities, S t ⊂ S, due to newly reported unacceptable threatlevels in their neighborhood. In the second scenario, visitations to useful vicinities, S r ⊂ S, is made redundant due to decreased importance of the sites to which they offer a vantage observation-point. Our earlier graph-model [1] is general enough to provide a basic framework for consideration of rerouting in both cases. We give an algorithm to obtain a graph-model, from the earlier one, that allows efficient gene encoding and efficient application of GA operators to obtain new alternative rerouting plans.

Cite this Research Publication : Amit Agarwal, Meng-Hiot Lim, Maung Ye Win Kyaw, Meng-Joo Er, Inflight Rerouting for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. GECCO (2), pp. 859-868, (2004)

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