Publication Type : Conference Paper
Thematic Areas : Center for Computational Engineering and Networking (CEN)
Publisher : ICCCI 2014
Source : 2014 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics: Ushering in Technologies of Tomorrow, Today, ICCCI 2014
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Center : Computational Engineering and Networking
Department : Center for Computational Engineering and Networking (CEN), Electronics and Communication
Verified : Yes
Year : 2014
Abstract : In recent years, with the development of technology, life has become very easy. Computers have become the life line of today's high-tech world. There is no work in our whole day without the use of computers. When we focus particularly in the field of education, people started preferring to e-books than carrying textbooks. In the phase of learning, visualization plays a major role. When the visualization tool and auditory learning comes together, it brings the in-depth understanding of data and their phoneme sequence through animation and with proper pronunciation of the words, which is far better than the people learning from the textbooks and imagining in their perspective and have their own pronunciation. Scratch with its visual, block-based programming platform is widely used among high school kids to learn programming basics. We investigated that in many schools around the world uses this scratch for students to learn programming basics. Literature review shows that students find it interesting and are very curious about it. This made us anxious towards natural language learning using scratch because of its interesting visual platform. This paper is based on the concept of visual and auditory learning. Here, we described how we make use of this scratch toolkit for learning the secondary language. We also claim that this visual learning will help people remember easily than to read as texts in books and the auditory learning helps in proper pronunciation of words rather than expecting someone's help. We have developed a scratch based tool for learning simple sentence construction of secondary language through primary language. In this paper, languages used are English (secondary language) and Tamil (primary language). This is an enterprise for language learning tool in scratch. This is applicable for other language specific exercises and can be adopted easily for other languages too. © 2014 IEEE.
Cite this Research Publication : Sanjanaashree, P., Anand Kumar, M., Soman, K.P. Language learning for visual and auditory learners using the scratch toolkit, 2014 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics: Ushering in Technologies of Tomorrow, Today, ICCCI 2014, art. no. 6921765