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Learning Fractions by Making Patterns – An Ethnomathematics Based Approach

Publication Type : Conference Paper

Source : Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education (2009)

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Campus : Chennai

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2009

Abstract : Mathematics is one of the difficult subjects children encounter. This is attributed to the fact that mathematics is taught as an abstract set of symbols and rules. Many innovative approaches have been tried to clear this misconception and make children see the real applications of mathematics. One such approach is using ethnomathematics - the mathematics present in the cultural forms of an ethnic group. In this work, we explore the effectiveness of this approach to teach a difficult mathematics concept - fractions. Fractions have been chosen due to its complexity and the inherent difficulties they pose to children. A tool was developed to teach fractions by engaging the child in two activities - making a bead necklace and tiling an area. The evaluation results indicate that such an approach is very effective in teaching the concept.

Cite this Research Publication : Dr. S. Sathya, Harini Sampath, Jayanthi Sivaswamy, "Learning Fractions by Making Patterns—An Ethnomathematics Based Approach". In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education. Hong Kong, China. (2009)

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