Abstract : Dyspepsia or indigestion is a common complaint associated with many disease conditions of the gastrointestinal system. The present descriptive study was conducted among patients with dyspepsia attending the Department of Medical Gastroenterology, New Medical College Hospital, Thrissur. The objectives of the study were to assess the life style practices and stress among patients with dyspepsia. The conceptual frame work for this study was based on Dr. Nola J Penders Health Promotion Model (HPM). A sample of 150 patients with dyspepsia who have undergone oesophagoduodenoscopy was selected by purposive sampling. Their socio-demographic details, clinical details, life style practices, and stress symptom severity were assessed by a semi structured interview schedule. Findings revealed that 55.3% of patients had organic dyspepsia. Majority of the patients were experiencing more than one dyspeptic symptom. It was found that the lifestyle practices followed were good among 53% of patients. The stress symptom severity reported was mild among 48% of patients and moderate among 43%. It was revealed that lifestyle practices of patients with dyspepsia has got significant association with their gender (p<0.01), occupational status (p<0.01). So, also significant association was obtained for severity of stress symptoms with their age (p< 0.01).