Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : IP Indian J ConservEndod
Source : IP Indian J ConservEndod 2018;3(1):1-5
Url :
Campus : Faridabad
Year : 2018
Abstract : Traditional endodontics has been based on feel not sight. Since the endodontic surgical field is measured in millimeters,
endodontic therapy has always been very dependent from the tactile sensation of the operator and its anatomic knowledge. The use of magnification in dentistry appears to be of increasing interest. With the recent advances of magnification devices with increased magnification and illumination there is improved technical accuracy and performance. Now the use of such
magnification systems is a very popular practice in dentistry as well. By providing both intense focused light as well as a high
degree of magnification, the endoscope, orascope, dental loupes and operating microscope has become an important part of the armamentarium for many endodontics. The aim of this review is to discuss the role of magnifying aids with its added advantages in endodontic.
Cite this Research Publication : Singla M G, Girdhar D, Tanwar U, Magnification in Endodontics: A review. IP Indian J ConservEndod 2018;3(1):1-5