Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Heliyon
Source : Heliyon, 9(8), 2023.
Url :
Campus : Amaravati, Amritapuri, Coimbatore
School : School of Business, School of Computing
Center : Amrita Center for Policy Research
Year : 2023
Abstract : The drive to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) becomes more urgent as the 2030 deadline draws near, increasing research in various sectors. Nevertheless, studies that systemat- ically map Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) publications with the SDGs need to be more conspicuously lacking. Our study adds a new perspective to the field by creatively bridging this knowledge gap using the Elsevier SDG Mapping Initiative. To find research clusters, trends, and themes linked to SDGs and their connection to environmental sustainability, we thoroughly analyzed 29,897 publications from 2012 to 2022. The analysis showed that SDG 15, SDG 7, SDG 12, SDG 13, and SDG 11 were the top five SDGs, with an environmental focus among the 17 SDGs. These top SDGs had many clusters connected to them, illustrating various sustainability-related problems. The study also looked at connections between SDGs, the nations with the highest rates of productivity, the top contributors, and the journals with the highest citation counts. We discovered three separate SDG clusters using co-occurrence network analysis, each representing a different SDG. We discovered relevant SDGs using Matrice d’impacts crois´es multiplication appliqu´ee ´a un classment (MICMAC) analysis and centrality indicators like eigenvector and betweenness. This novel method for publishing analysis combines an AHP focus that aligns with the SDGs with social network analysis and centrality metrics. Our research advances knowledge of how the AHP technique can assess initiatives supporting the SDGs. We offer essential insights into prioritizing sustainable development measures by identifying research clusters, trends, and issues related to environmental sustainability. This study highlights the subject’s most important SDGs, productive nations, helpful organizations, and significant journals.
Cite this Research Publication : Aswathy Sreenivasan, M. Suresh, Prema Nedungadi, Raghu Raman R, "Mapping analytical hierarchy process research to sustainable development goals: Bibliometric and social network analysis," Heliyon, 9(8), 2023.