Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : Journal of the Electrochemical Society
Source : Journal of the Electrochemical Society , Volume 161, Issue 10, p.A1602-A1610 (2014)
Url :
Campus : Coimbatore
School : School of Engineering
Department : Chemical
Year : 2014
Abstract : Soluble lead acid redox flow battery (SLRFB) offers a number of advantages. These advantages can be harnessed after problems associated with buildup of active material on electrodes (residue) are resolved. A mathematical model is developed to understand residue formation in SLRFB. The model incorporates fluid flow, ion transport, electrode reactions, and non-uniform current distribution on electrode surfaces. A number of limiting cases are studied to conclude that ion transport and electrode reaction on anode simultaneously control battery performance. The model fits the reported cell voltage vs. time profiles very well. During the discharge cycle, the model predicts complete dissolution of deposited material from trailing edge side of the electrodes. With time, the active surface area of electrodes decreases rapidly. The corresponding increase in current density leads to precipitous decrease in cell potential before all the deposited material is dissolved. The successive charge-discharge cycles add to the residue. The model correctly captures the marginal effect of flow rate on cell voltage profiles, and identifies flow rate and flow direction as new variables for controlling residue buildup. Simulations carried out with alternating flow direction and a SLRFB with cylindrical electrodes show improved performance with respect to energy efficiency and residue buildup.
Cite this Research Publication : Mahendra Naktuji Nandanwar and Sanjeev Kumar, “Modelling of effect of non-uniform current density on the performance of soluble lead redox flow batteries”, Journal of the Electrochemical Society , vol. 161, no. 10, pp. A1602-A1610, 2014.