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Poly-5-Amino-1-naphthol modified pencil graphite electrode for the simultaneous electrochemical determination of Pyridoxine and Riboflavin

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Materials Today: Proceedings

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Campus : Amritapuri

School : School of Physical Sciences

Department : Chemistry

Year : 2023

Abstract : Reporting an electrochemical sensor based on electropolymerized pencil graphite electrode (PGE), modified using 5-Amino-1-naphthol as monomer (P5A1N/PGE) for parallel determination of vitamins Pyridoxine and Riboflavin. The morphological and electrochemical characterizations were done using SEM analysis and, Cyclic Voltammetry and EIS. The oxidation peaks of VB6 and VB2 are obtained using Differential Pulse Voltammetry at potentials 0.84 V and 0.38 V respectively. The linear ranges obtained for VB6 and VB2 are 10 to 700 μM with LOD of 0.7687 μM and 20 to 400 μM with LOD of 0.1535 μM respectively. Thus, this novel fabricated electrode can be employed for pharmaceutical studies.

Cite this Research Publication : Sajeevan, B., Gopika, M. G., Wilson, A., Pillai, A. N., & Saraswathyamma, B. (2023). Poly-5-Amino-1-naphthol modified pencil graphite electrode for the simultaneous electrochemical determination of Pyridoxine and Riboflavin. Materials Today: Proceedings, 80, 570-576.

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