Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Medical Sciences
Publisher : Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice
Source : Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, 2011
Url :
Keywords : abscess drainage, adult, analgesic agent, antibiotic resistance, antibiotic therapy, article, bacterial strain, bacterium culture, bacterium isolate, case report, cefixime, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, computer assisted tomography, fever, gentamicin, hematoma, hematuria, human, Hydrogen sulfide, kidney hemorrhage, low back pain, male, ofloxacin, paratyphoid fever, perirenal abscess, rib fracture, Salmonella paratyphi
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Microbiology, Urology
Year : 2011
Abstract : A 35-year-old man presented with a gradually worsening left-sided loin pain and high-grade fever 10 days in duration. He gave a history of left flank injury due to a road traffic accident 4 months previously, accompanied by pain and transient mild hematuria that was managed conservatively without further evaluation. Computed tomographic scan revealed undisplaced fracture of the left 10th rib with a large perinephric hematoma/abscess causing significant compression and displacement of the left kidney. The collection was evacuated by open drainage, and its culture yielded a hydrogen sulfide (H2S)-producing variant of Salmonella paratyphi A resistant to nalidixic acid. Blood and urine cultures were sterile. Drainage with culture-specific antibiotics (ceftriaxone followed by cefixime) was curative. Primary perinephric abscess due to S. paratyphi A without any evidence of systemic involvement is rare and classically S. paratyphi A is H2S-negative. We hereby report a case of H2S-positive S. paratyphi A causing primary perinephric abscess of posttraumatic hematoma. Copyright © 2011 by National Foundation for Infectious Diseases.
Cite this Research Publication : Kumar A, Sanjeevan, Dinesh KR, Vinod V, Karim S. "Primary perinephric abscess due to hydrogen sulfide producing variant of salmonella paratyphi A", Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice, 2011