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Pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis along with pulmonary nocardiosis in a patient with human immuno deficiency virus infection

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research

Source : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, Volume 5, Number 1, p.109-111 (2011)

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Keywords : adult, alanine aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase blood level, anorexia, article, aspartate aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase blood level, bilirubin, bilirubin blood level, case report, clinical feature, cotrimoxazole, coughing, diarrhea, disease duration, disease severity, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, extrapulmonary tuberculosis, fatality, fever, human, Human immunodeficiency virus, Human immunodeficiency virus 1, Human immunodeficiency virus antibody, Human immunodeficiency virus infection, kidney failure, liver function test, liver injury, lung tuberculosis, male, Nocardia, nocardiosis, Sputum, thorax radiography, tuberculostatic agent, weight reduction

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Respiratory Medicine

Year : 2011

Abstract : A 53 year old male presented with respiratory symptoms, low grade intermittent fever, anorexia, diarrhoea and weight loss of 5 months duration. Chest X-ray showed bilateral upper and mid zone non-homogenous opacity and right lower zone homogenous opacity with hilar enlargement, while USG abdomen revealed a peripancreatic mass. The serology of HIV-1 was positive by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and western blot. The patient was diagnosed with pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis along with concomitant pulmonary nocardiosis.

Cite this Research Publication : Aa Kumar, Mehta, Ab, Kavathia, Gc, and Madan, Md, “Pulmonary and extra pulmonary tuberculosis along with pulmonary nocardiosis in a patient with human immuno deficiency virus infection”, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, vol. 5, pp. 109-111, 2011.

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