- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Clinical Fellowship in Laboratory Genetics & Genomics - Fellowship
Publication Type : Journal Article
Publisher : International Journal of Current Research
Source : International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 12, Issue, 12, pp.15106-15107, December, 2020 | DOI:
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Paediatrics
Year : 2020
Abstract : In pyopericardium, pus accumulates in the pericardial space as a result of infection by pyogenic organisms, most common of which are Staphylococcus aureus and Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These patients are at risk of cardiac tamponade. Causes linked to pyopericardium are pneumonia, empyema, thoracic surgery and haematogenous spread through sepsis. Factors that can predispose to pericarditis include immunosuppression and previous pericardial inflammation and fibrosis. (1).We present a case of pyopericadium in a structurally normal heart which was initially suspected by cardiomegaly in the chest X ray which was taken while working up a male child with fever and cough of 2 weeks duration.
Cite this Research Publication : Devika G, Sajitha Nair, Gayatri S, Maniratnam krishna, Jayakumar C. "Pyopericardium in structurally normal heart." International Journal of Current Research, Vol. 12, Issue, 12, pp.15106-15107, December, 2020 | DOI: