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Railway gate system: Railway gate status detection

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering

Source : International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication, Volume 7, Number 6, p.523-525 (2019)

Url :

Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science

Year : 2019

Abstract : Since 1991,their hase been a ample growth in the transport system from 21 million to 142 million,so does the two wheeler private transport.the two wheeler transport had a growth from 14 million to 120 million.This constitutes a significant safety and environment concern. The Railway Crossing Gate Status Detection System is a simple but very useful project which detects whether the railway gate is open or closed at all times. Instead of being caught unaware whenever a railway gate is closed, this paper proposes a method of displaying the status of the gate, as it is at that time, on the cloud, thereby reducing the amount of traffic near the gates and the number of potential accidents that can occur. © BEIESP.

Cite this Research Publication : Chandolu, Y.S.V., Dharaa, C., Prakash, P.”Railway gate system: Railway gate status detection” 2019,’International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering’Volume 7,Issue 6, PP-523-525,Article,Scopus

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