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Role of a “Skeletal Survey” in Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Its Importance and a Format-based Checklist for Clinicians

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : World J Endoc Surg

Source : World J Endoc Surg 2020;12(3):142–147

Url :

Campus : Faridabad

Year : 2020

Abstract : Primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is the most common cause of hypercalcemia and its presentation has appeared to have changed from classical disease presentation of bones, stones, moans, and groans to asymptomatic mild mood swings. However, in the developing world, still there are fair proportions of patients who present with classical presentation and they present with advanced target diseases. One such manifestation is a bone disease. Skeletal surgery was employed and is still being employed for surgery of the bone and joints and we discuss the role of the skeletal survey in PHPT.

Cite this Research Publication : Israrahmed A, Sabaretnam M, Idrees S, Prasad R, et al. Role of a “Skeletal Survey” in Primary Hyperparathyroidism: Its Importance and a Format-based Checklist for Clinicians. World J Endoc Surg 2020;12(3):142–147

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