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Severe hypertriglyceridemiainduced pancreatitis successfully managed with therapeutic plasma exchange: Report from India

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Asian Journal of Transfusion Science

Source : Asian Journal of Transfusion Science. 2018 Jul;12(2):154

Url :,acute%20phase%20of%20the%20disease.

Campus : Faridabad

Year : 2018

Abstract : Hypertriglyceridemia (HTG) is the third most significant risk factor for acute pancreatitis after gallstones and alcohol. Therapeutic plasma exchange (TPE) has been considered a possible treatment for HTG-induced pancreatitis, especially in severe and refractory cases. Here, we report one such clinical experience with a patient of severe HTG-induced pancreatitis. He was treated with TPE along with intravenous insulin, statins, and fibrates. TPE resulted in immediate relief of symptoms as well as a marked improvement in laboratory values, with 74.5% reduction in triglycerides after a single session. TPE can be successfully utilized as an adjunct in HTG-induced pancreatitis.

Cite this Research Publication : Mehta SP, Tiwari AK, Puri R, Arora D, Aggarwal G, Ratan A. Severe hypertriglyceridemiainduced pancreatitis successfully managed with therapeutic plasma exchange: Report from India. Asian Journal of Transfusion Science. 2018 Jul;12(2):154

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