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Short-term augmentation of venous drainage with extra-corporeal shunt and simultaneous auto-transfusion, for salvaging a congested free flap

Publication Type : Journal Article

Source : Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery

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Campus : Faridabad

School : School of Medicine

Department : Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Year : 2013

Abstract : Adequate drainage of venous blood is the most critical part of successful free tissue transfer. We report a case of anterolateral thigh flap used for covering open communited tibial fracture. The flap was salvaged with short term augmentation of venous drainage with external shunt. The drainage was continued for six days. It was confirmed that there is no more congestion after blocking the catheter and then the drainage was discontinued on seventh day. The flap was successfully salvaged. This method has potential applications in multiple situations for successful salvage of free tissue transfer.

Cite this Research Publication : Rahul K. Patil , Kiran Jayaprasad , Saurabh Sharma , Mohit Sharma , Jimmy Mathew, Short-term augmentation of venous drainage with extra-corporeal shunt and simultaneous auto-transfusion, for salvaging a congested free flap,
Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery

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