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Smart Disease Diagnosing System Using Artificial Neural Network

Publication Type : Conference Proceedings

Publisher : International Organization of Scientific Research and Development

Source : Proceedings ofthe73rdInternational Conference onFuture Trends in Engineering and BusinessVOL, vol. 73. International Organization of Scientific Research and Development (IOSRD, pp. 160-168, 2018.

Campus : Bengaluru

School : School of Engineering

Department : Electrical and Electronics

Year : 2018

Abstract : Recently, intelligent applications become part of our lives. In healthcare, there exist several medical self-diagnostic systems. However, only a few of them are available to the public. That is, these systems are attached to certain hospitals and only the patients of these hospitals can use such systems. In addition, some of these systems are not free. This paper proposes a medical-self diagnostic for cervical cancer disease. The system takes the disease symptoms and then predicts the availability of the disease using artificial neural network method. It also directs the patients to doctors in their area. In addition, it provides the patients with more information about the disease by directing them to some related medical websites. As future work, it is planned to extend the system to include more diseases.

Cite this Research Publication : S. Yadav, Reddy, P. Preetham, Reddy, P. Thirumal, and Suresh, P. V. B., “Smart Disease Diagnosing System Using Artificial Neural Network”, Proceedings ofthe73rdInternational Conference onFuture Trends in Engineering and BusinessVOL, vol. 73. International Organization of Scientific Research and Development (IOSRD, pp. 160-168, 2018.

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