Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Medical Sciences
Publisher : National Journal of Research in Community Medicine
Source : National Journal of Research in Community Medicine, Volume 6, p.313 (2017)
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Community Medicine
Verified : No
Year : 2017
Abstract : Globally Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs) are a rnajor cause of morbidity and mortality. 1'hey occur atier exposure to a set of lifestyle risk factors. Obesity and hypertension among adults has its antecedents during childhood .When governments are assessing ways to generate finances for management of NCDs, it is worthwhile to give due irnportance to preventiveservices.Objectives:Tostudyrelationshipoflifestyleriskfactors(BMIamp;BP)betweenschool childrenand their rnothers ald to study the factors associated with BMIamp; BP. Methodology: School based cross sectiorral study done among 225 studelts and their mothers in three settings,rural,tribal and urban. Students and mothers were interviewed using questionnair-e in local language after obtaining consent. Height, Weight and BP measured using standardized instrurrretrts. Data tabulated usi6g MS excel , analyzed using SPSS version 20. Results: There was statistically sigrrificarrt associalion between BMI of rnother and student.Association between BP ol' mother arrd student was not statistically signilicarrt. Association betweep BMI and BP was statistically significant among rnothers and students. Considering BMl, statistically significarrt association was noted for physical activity, use of non-smokirrg tobacco and desire to change weight. Considering BP, desire to change weight, use of non-smoking tobacco and intake of food frotn outside showed statistically signilicant associatiorr. Conclusion:Maintaiuirrg normal BMI is important as it is found to affect next generatiotr. Incleased llMl is associatedwithabnormal Pvalues,whichisaprecursorforlifbstylediseases.Hencecotrtrol ofBMI andBPisessential ttr protect future generations from lifestyle diseases.
Cite this Research Publication : V. N. Laghima, Sobha George, and Paul, N., “Study on Lifestyle Risk Factors in School Children and its Relationship to their Mothers”, National Journal of Research in Community Medicine, vol. 6, p. 313, 2017.