Publication Type : Journal Article
Thematic Areas : Medical Sciences
Publisher : Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery
Source : Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, Volume 43, Number 1, p.8-13 (2010)
Url :
Campus : Kochi
School : School of Medicine
Department : Head & Neck Surgery
Year : 2010
Abstract : Tensor Fascia Lata muscle and musculocutaneous flap has been used in the past for reconstruction of trunk defects and also as a free flap for soft tissue reconstruction elsewhere in the body. Transferring the iliac crest along with the muscle as a free flap has been described earlier, reported for bridging calcaneal defect and small mandibular defects. The use of this flap as a source of free vascularised bone has not been widely practised since these initial few reports. Anatomical studies were carried out to assess the feasibility of using this flap for reconstructing maxillary and other head and neck defects, following which it was successfully used for these indications. The preliminary report describes the flap anatomy, method of harvest and its potential uses in head and neck reconstruction.
Cite this Research Publication : Dr. Subramania Iyer K. and Kuriakose, M., “Tensor Facia Lata-iliac crest osteocutaneous flap for orbitomaxillary reconstruction: A preliminary report”, Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery, vol. 43, pp. 8-13, 2010.