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The Impact of Transactional and Relational Strategies in Business Markets: An Agenda for Inquiry

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : ScienceDirect

Source : Industrial Marketing Management, 32, 8, 623-626. ABS 3

Url :

Keywords : Transactions, Relationships, Relational orientation

Year : 2003

Abstract : The impetus for the special issue of Industrial Marketing Management is the importance of understanding the implications of transactional and relational strategies in business-to-business contexts. The objective of the special issue is to integrate conceptual and empirical research in this area. We highlight research that extends current thinking in the area to ensure that this special issue serves an impetus for future research on this important topic.

Cite this Research Publication : Arun Sharma, Kishore Gopalakrishna Pillai (2003), “The Impact of Transactional and Relational Strategies in Business Markets: An Agenda for Inquiry” DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2003.06.002

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