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The Ocean of Yoga: An Unpublished Compendium Called the Yogārṇava

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : Springer Nature.

Source : Journal of Indian Philosophy, Springer Nature.

Url :

Campus : Amritapuri

School : Center for Spiritual Studies

Department : Samhita, Sanskrit & Siddhanta

Year : 2022

Abstract : The Yogārṇava (‘the ocean of yoga’) is a Sanskrit compendium on yoga that has not been published, translated or even mentioned in secondary literature on yoga. Citations attributed to it occur in several premodern commentaries and compendiums on yoga, and a few published library catalogues report manuscripts of a work on yoga called the Yogārṇava. This article presents the results of the first academic study of the text. It has attempted to answer basic questions, such as the work’s provenance and textual sources. The authors then discuss the importance of the Yogārṇava within the broader history of yoga based on their identification of citations and parallel verses in other Sanskrit texts and a detailed analysis of the Yogārṇava’s content.

Cite this Research Publication : Gupta, S. & Birch, Jason. (2022). The Ocean of Yoga: An Unpublished Compendium Called the Yogārṇava. Journal of Indian Philosophy. 10.1007/s10781-022-09504-6.

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