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Theoretical study on Carbon and Gallium Nitride Nanotubes based on Spin

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : IJNA

Source : International Journal of Nanotechnology and Applications (IJNA), ISSN 0973-631X, Vol.6, No.1, pp. 23 – 41, April 2012.

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Campus : Coimbatore

School : School of Engineering

Department : Computer Science and Engineering

Year : 2012

Abstract : This work deals with the characterisation of carbon nanotube and gallium nitride nanotube through spin. Carbon nanotubes are preliminary quantum structures which had led to an interesting field of study in nano materials. Various other materials are being chequered for their unique properties in nanoscale. One such material is gallium nitride which has been noted for its wondrous characteristics of high power density, ability to emit short wavelength and many more. Spin becomes inevitable when the device enter the quantum regime. Carbon nanotube transistors have been analysed. In analysis of gallium nitride nanotube, boron nitride nanotubes give an approximate idea about the characteristics of gallium nitride nanotube.

Cite this Research Publication : Bagavathi C and Narayanan kutty K A, “Theoretical study on Carbon and Gallium Nitride Nanotubes based on Spin” International Journal of Nanotechnology and Applications (IJNA), ISSN 0973-631X, Vol.6, No.1, pp. 23 – 41, April 2012.

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