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Usefulness of bougie preloaded proseal laryngeal mask airway versus digital insertion technique in correct placement of the device.

Publication Type : Journal Article

Publisher : J AnaesthesiolClinPharmacol

Source : J AnaesthesiolClinPharmacol 2023;39:565-70

Url :

Campus : Kochi

School : School of Medicine

Department : Anaesthesiology

Year : 2023

Abstract : Background and aims: Digital technique of proseal laryngeal mask airway (PLMA) insertion carries high chance of failed first attempt successful placement. We aimed to compare the number of attempts taken for correct placement of bougie-preloaded PLMA versus traditional digital insertion technique. Ease of insertion, time taken, hemodynamic responses during insertion, and evidence of trauma were also assessed. Material and methods: This prospective, randomized, open-label study was performed in 60 patients. All patients were administered general anesthesia according to a standardized protocol.After induction of general anesthesia in group P, proseal insertion was performed following the traditional digital technique. In group B, bougie-preloaded PLMA was used. A soft gum elastic bougie was passed through the gastric channel of PLMA, with 15cm protruding distally through the gastric port. Attempts at successful insertion and ease of insertion were noted. Results: Time taken for successful insertion was significantly shorter in group B compared to group P (15.3 ± 4.5 vs. 57 ± 12.02 s, respectively). The first attempt success in group B was 90% versus 60% in group P. The number of moderate to hard insertion was significantly lesser in group B (10 vs. 40, respectively). Blood stain on device was seen in 3.3% in group B compared to 30% in group P. MAP at insertion and at 1, 3, and 5 min was significantly higher in group P. Heart rates were comparable. Conclusion: Bougie-preloaded proseal insertion has significantly higher first attempt insertion success rates and is significantly faster and less traumatic with blunted blood pressure response compared to traditional digital insertion technique.

Cite this Research Publication : Mathew J, Rajan S, Babu KC, Manoharan KS, Paul J, Kumar L. Usefulness of bougie preloaded proseal laryngeal mask airway versus digital insertion technique in correct placement of the device. J AnaesthesiolClinPharmacol 2023;39:565-70

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