Publication Type : Conference Proceedings
Thematic Areas : Amrita Center for Cybersecurity Systems and Networks
Publisher : IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS)
Source : IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), IEEE, National Harbor, MD, USA (2013)
Keywords : Adaptation models, mathematical model, Mobile handsets, Polynomials, Predictive models, Security, Training
Campus : Amritapuri
School : Centre for Cybersecurity Systems and Networks, School of Engineering
Center : Cyber Security
Department : cyber Security
Verified : Yes
Year : 2013
Abstract : Advancements in computing and communication technologies have given rise to low-cost embedded devices with applications in diverse domains such as Smarthome, industrial automation, healthcare, transportation etc. These devices are power-constrained which emphasizes the need for lightweight security solutions. Code obfuscation has been demonstrated to provide time-limited protection of source code from inference or tampering attacks. However, size of the obfuscated code increases with increase in code size which can have a negative impact on energy consumption. In particular, different transformations of the source code result in varying amounts of energy consumption for embedded devices. In this work, we model the impact of algorithms for code obfuscation on energy usage for embedded devices and analyze the energy-security-performance trade-os. The insights from our analysis can be used to develop techniques depending on the needs of the applications thus facilitating efficient energy usage.
Cite this Research Publication : S. Sankaran and Sridhar, R., “User-Adaptive Energy-aware Security for Mobile Devices”, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). IEEE, National Harbor, MD, USA, 2013.