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Plasma Surface Modification of Nanostructured Surfaces of Marine Based Scaffolds and Membranes for Enhanced Bioactivity

Start Date: Wednesday, Sep 01,2010

School: School of Nano Sciences

Project Incharge:Dr. R. Jayakumar
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. Deepthy Menon
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. C. Krishna Prasad
Funded by:DBT
Plasma Surface Modification of Nanostructured Surfaces of Marine Based Scaffolds and Membranes for Enhanced Bioactivity

This three-year project involves preparation of nanostructured scaffolds, plasma treatment of the scaffolds, followed by in-vitro protein adsorption, cell attachment and proliferation with and without plasma treatment.

 Following the in-vitro studies, limited in-vivo studies are proposed to examine the role of plasma treatment on bone and skin tissue regeneration with the plasma treatment.

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