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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is committed to ensure that water is used most judiciously and reused to the maximum extent possible. Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences campus under Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham is being constructed to be GRIHA and LEED certified: a green building, with no carbon footprint, zero wastewater discharge, and to be powered eventually by more than 45% solar power. Construction materials used in the project are also environmentally friendly. More than 70% of the campus acreage is planned as a green area filled with local varieties of trees, plants and shrubs and water bodies.

We also adopt the following practices across our campuses:
  1. Water is supplied 24 hours a day without interruption for drinking and other purposes. This prevents improper storage by residents in anticipation of water shortage, as mandated by IS 2065: 1983 (Second Revision) – Code of practice for water supply in buildings (Second Revision)
  2. We adopt self-curing construction techniques as mandated by IS: 10262-1982 to reduce evaporation and water usage during building construction phases.
  3. We use rainwater and recycled water for construction purposes
  4. We have rainwater harvesting facilities for every building at university and hostels as mandated by IS 15797 (2008) Roof top rainwater harvesting – Guidelines
  5. We have an active plumbing team for routine maintenance and to correct leakages
  6. We have proximity sensor based taps at our wash areas to prevent unnecessary water loss
  7. We ensure water pressure is kept optimal in pipelines in order to reduce water loss using pressure reducing valves as mandated by IS 9739 (1981)
  8. We use aerators pressure reducing nozzles at taps in order to reduce water loss
  9. We use ASTM and C-PVC pipes for reduced leakages
  10. We use modern dual syphon flush tanks at toilets for judicious water usage
  11. We have separate urinals and flush toilets for boys, in order to save water on unnecessary flushing.
Sl. No. Facility BIS Standard
1 Water is supplied 24 hours a day without interruption for drinking and other purposes,  IS 2065 : 1983 (Second Revision) – Code of practice for water supply in buildings (Second Revision)
2 We adopt self-curing construction techniques to reduce evaporation and water usage during building construction phases IS: 10262-2009
3 We have rainwater harvesting facilities for every building at university and hostels  IS 15797 (2008) Roof top rainwater harvesting – Guidelines
4 We ensure water pressure is kept optimal in pipelines in order to reduce water loss using pressure reducing valves IS 9739 (1981): pressure reducing valves for domestic water supply systems
5 We have an active plumbing team for routine maintenance and to correct leakages

We use aerators pressure reducing nozzles at taps in order to reduce water loss
SP 35 (1987): Handbook on Water Supply and Drainage (with Special Emphasis on Plumbing)
6 We use ASTM and C-PVC pipes for reduced leakages IS 15778 (2007): Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipes for potable hot and cold water distribution supplies
7 We use modern dual syphon flush tanks at toilets for judicious water usage

We have separate urinals and flush toilets for boys, in order to save water on unnecessary flushing.
IS 774 (2004): Flushing Cistern for Water Closets and Urinals (Other Than Plastic Cisterns)
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