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Last Updated: September 30, 2022


Amrita reuses more than 85% of the freshwater using wastewater management that has been crucial towards our sustainability models for reducing and reusing water at our campuses. The students & staff use water for showering, dishwashing, laundry and flushing the toilet. Additionally, departments use water for many purposes including processes, laboratory uses, and cleaning or rinsing of parts, air conditioning. After the water has been used, it enters the wastewater stream, and it flows to the wastewater treatment plant and finally gets recycled and reused again. We also have vertical gardens to treat sewage water using plants. The section provides an overview of recycled wastewater and is intended to provide a brief description of what processes may be at the wastewater plant.

The table below shows the Annual water reused at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham.

Occupants 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Annual Fresh Water Consumption (cubic metre) 60147598 61525974 63083458 15478542 1,09,150 65083458
Annual Effluent Treated Water (in cubic metre) 55987124 57945329 59014789 12324697 84,250 60014579
Annual Water reused (in cubic metre) 48521476 49025478 49359896 10045783 82,790 50358696


Effluent Treatment Centers





Diagrammatic representation of above given data

Design layout of water recycling plant at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Network diagram for wastewater effluent collection & storage at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Sustainable Development and Water Workshop

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Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham with Tel Aviv University, Israel, organized a week-long workshop at Amritapuri campus on water in the context of sustainable development, from September 19-25, 2019.

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All of the 80+ workshop participants were trained to enable them to deal with complex phenomenon, knowledge on methods for sustainable development, knowledge of natural and social conditions, as well as limits towards sustainable development.

Innovative Sewage Treatment Technology

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Innovative sewage treatment technology has been introduced during 2018-2019 which involves the use of microbes, bacteriophages to control infection & smell in wastewater followed by production of algal/plant biomass for their safe use as fish/cattle feed. Treated wastewater is also being used for irrigation in gardening.


To know about opportunities for student volunteers to join our upcoming water reuse initiatives:
Contact: Mr. Krishnanandanan
Mob: +91 6379259872
For any water related queries, Please contact our Environmental Officer: Mrs. Drishya –

Admissions Apply Now