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Our Chancellor Amma places a strong emphasis on research activities. Rather than simply memorising all the knowledge that has been accumulated in a particular field, Amma wants us to delve deeper, to explore, to discover for ourselves. She is always encouraging the students and faculty of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham to undertake research and development work that will benefit society.

They are heeding her call: exciting, original research is taking place in the fields of information technology, engineering and medicine, among others. At CEN also we have undertaken and succesfully completed several research projects, some of which are listed below.

In keeping with the research thrust at Amrita, Center is actively involved in the areas of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing. A massive translation project is underway that aims to develope tools to translate web content from English to Indian languages. This initiative, when complete, will enable every child in India to access information in his or her own mother tongue. Research is also ongoing in the area of speech translation.

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Research at CEN is multidisciplinary in nature. The key research areas are:

  1. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
  2. Robotics
  3. High Performance Computing for Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
  4. Computational Chemistry
  5. Machine Learning ( with tools like Neural Network, Support Vector Machines, Graph Learning Algorithms)
  6. Wireless Sensor Networks for Remotely Controlling Aquaponic System and Precision Farming
  7. Wireless Communication with Software Defined Radio
  8. Advanced Signal Processing methods like Wavelet Theory, Sparse Signal Representation, Compressive Sensing, PDE based Image Processing
  9. Geographical Information System
  10. Natural Language Processing (Text and Speech)
  11. Vibration Analysis
  12. Radio Astronomy

Research at CEN requires financial foundation which is met by undertaking projects funded by the Ministry of IT, ISRO, DRDO, NPOL, MHRD, DST, DIT, CDAC, and Coconut Development Board, Government of India. Total research grant is over 33 million INR.

Completed Projects
Project Title Sponsoring Agency
Massively Parallel Support Vector Machines for Target Classification NPOL
Analysis and Characterization of Fluid Flow using PIV & PLIF ISRO
Machine Fault Simulator for Space Vehicles ISRO
Development of Image Fusion Techniques and Measurement ADE
Development Of Methodologies for Detection of Digital Contents Plagiarism MCIT
Development of Infrastructure for Remote Sensing Applications ISRO
Video Summarization and Annotation for Content based Retrieval ADRIN
Ongoing Projects
Project Title Sponsoring Agency
Machine Translation System for English to Indian Languages MCIT
Creation of Linguistic Tools and Corpora for Indian Languages MHRD
Vibration Damper for Launch Vehicle Applications ISRO
Particulate Polymer Composites for Space Applications ISRO
Joint Development of Speech Modules DIT-CDAC
muShare: Multi-User Realtime Shared Access Platform for Remote Experimentation MHRD
openLab: Open Source Graphical Programming Environment for Scientific Computing Applications MHRD
Process Monitoring and Control for Ultra-Precision Machining of Titanium Alloys DRDO
Improving Coconut Production in Kerala using Soil data through Remote Sensing and GIS Technique Coconut Development Board – GoI
Analysis, Processing and Synthesis of Emotions in Speech DST
Wordnet DIT
Current M. Tech. Projects
  1. Betterment of Stability and Control in UAV
  2. Performance Evaluation for an HMM- based Keyword Spotter (KWS) in a Real Time Environment for Tamil Language
  3. Kinect controlled arduino based impersonating robotic arm
  4. Analysis and Compensation of Lombard Effect Speech
  5. Voice Controlled Arduino Robotic Arm for Object Recognition
  6. Cryptography on GPU
  7. Sparsity based Image Inpainting using Ricci Flow
  8. Bending Invariant Mesh Generation using GPU
  9. Mesh Segmentation Using GPU
  10. EEG Controlled Arduino Robotic Arm
  11. Audio Watermarking: Sparse way
  12. Analysis of Excitation Source and Vocal tract Information in Emotional Speech
  13. Kronecker Compressive Sensing
  14. Design and Implementation of OFDM based Communication System in GNU Radio Platform
  15. FPGA based Ant Colony Optimization for MIMO Transceiver
  16. Improvisation of Spectral Unmixing Algorithms by the Incorporation of Appropriate Preprocessing Techniques for Band Selection
  17. Radar Imagery in Mining Surveillance
  18. Solar Activity Effects on Ionosphere
  19. Hyperspectral Image Segmentation for Improving Classification Accuracy
  20. Dictionary Based Background Subtraction
  21. High Performance Mimo Systems using Simulated Annealing
  22. Implementation of Particle Swarm Optimisation Algorithm on FPGA for MIMO Systems
  23. 3D Face Model based on Partial Differential Equations
  24. Design and Implementation of MIMO based Communication System in GNU Radio Platform
  25. Shape from Shading And Viscosity solutions
  26. A Cryptographic Approach to Video Watermarking based on Compressive Sensing, Arnold Tranform, Sum of Absolute Deviation and Svd
  27. Arduino based Wireless Sensor Network for Controlling and Monitoring Aquaponic System
  28. Digital Gardening using Mote based Wireless Sensor Network
Software Systems Developed
  1. DVAIT: Plagiarism Detection Service
  2. AMriTS: Amrita Machine Translation System
  3. Generic Framework for Linguistic Tools in Indian Language Morph Analyzer / PoS Tagger / Chunker / Dependency Parser / WordNet / Transliteration
  4. VIPIV: Virtual Instruments for Particle Image Velocimetry
  5. ClusNIX: Automated Toolkit for Network Clustering
Hardware Systems Under Development
  1. Scalable Architecture for Remote Triggered Virtual Labs
  2. High Speed Data Acquisition System with RF Frontend
  3. SDR-based Satellite Ground Station System
  4. GrameenNet : Low-cost SDR-based GSM Base Station
Forthcoming Books
  • GPU and SAGE for Cryptography and Cryptanalysis
  • Embedded Computing with Arduino and Raspbery PI
  • Modern Wireless Communication Theory and Practice with Software Defined Radio
  • Control aspect of Unmanned Aerial and Underwater Vehicles
  • Compressive Sensing through Linear Algebra point of view
  • Robotics and Computer Vision using Geometric Algebra
  • Machine Learning for Language Processing
  • Data Mining in Excel