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Course Detail

Course Name Computer Essentials
Course Code 18CSA103
Program Bachelor of Computer Applications, B. C. A., B. C. A. (Bachelor of Computer Applications)
Semester One
Credits Four
Year Taught 2018
Degree Undergraduate (UG)
School School of Arts and Sciences, School of Engineering
Campus Kochi, Mysuru, Amritapuri



Introduction to computers: Characteristics of computers, Classification of Digital Computer Systems: Microcomputers, Minicomputers, Mainframes, Supercomputers. Anatomy of Computer: Introduction, Functions & Components of a Computer, Central Processing Unit, Microprocessor, Storage units, Input and output Devices. How CPU and memory works. Program execution with illustrative examples. Introduction to microcontrollers.

Lab Component- PC Assembly,


Operating System Fundamentals

Operating Systems: Introduction, Functions of an operating System, Classification of Operating Systems, System programs, Application programs, Utilities,The Unix Operating System, Basic Unix commands,Microkernel Based Operating System, Booting,

Lab Component- OS installation, Basic unix commands


Introduction to Database Management Systems

Database, DBMS, Why Database -File system vs DBMS, Database applications, Database users, Introduction to SQL, Data types, Classification of SQL-DDL with constraints, DML, DCL, TCL

Lab Component

Create: Table and column level constraints- Primary key, Foreign key, Null/ Not null, Unique, Default. Check, Alter, Drop, Insert, Update, Delete, Truncate, Select: using WHERE, AND, OR, IN , NOT IN


Internet Basics

Introduction, Features of Internet, Internet application, Services of Internet, Logical and physical addresses, Internet Service Providers, Domain Name System.

Lab Component: Web Browsing, Emails, Searching


Web Basics Introduction to web,web browsers, http/https, URL, HTML5,CSS

Lab Component -HTML5 & CSS

Text Books

  1. J. Glenn Brookshear,”Computer Science: An Overview”, Addision-Wesley, Twelfth Edition, 2014

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