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Course Detail

Course Name Helicopter Theory
Course Code 15AES462
Program B. Tech. in Aerospace Engineering
Year Taught 2019


Unit 1

Historical development, configurations of helicopters, rotor system, flight control and mechanism, hovering theory, momentum theory for hover and vertical flight, blade element theory for hover and vertical flight, combined blade element momentum (BEM) theory

Unit 2

Momentum theory for forward flight, various non-uniform inflow models, blade element theory for forward flight, non-dimensional hub forces and moments, estimation of power for forward flight.

Unit 3

Idealization of rotor blades, flap-lag and torsional dynamics of the blade, rotor blade flapping motion: A simple model, helicopter trim analysis.

Text Books

  1. C. Venkatesan, “Fundamentals of helicopter dynamics,” CRC Press, 2015


W. Johnson, “Helicopter theory”, Princeton University, 1980. 2. R. S. Bramwell, “Helicopter dynamics”, Edward Arnold Publications, 1976

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