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Course Detail

Course Name Physics Lab II – Optics
Course Code 22PHY281
Semester 3
Credits 1


Objectives & Outcomes

Course Objectives
The course objective is to familiarize the students with traditional optical experiments as well as the modern optical instruments and methods. To impart the knowledge on calibrating the optical measuring equipment and identify sources of error and uncertainty in practical work. To develop the presentation skills of the students in demonstrating experimental results in the form of a scientific report, both written and oral.

Course Outcomes
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to

CO1. Understand the physical principles underlying geometrical optics, assembling the optical systems and determination of refractive index of different media
CO2. Perform the formulations and analysis of the interference and diffractions patterns
CO3. Acquire knowledge on analysing the polarizations and the fiber optic transmissions

Skills: Students will develop experimental, analysing and presentation skills by performing various optics experiments

CO-PO Mapping

CO1 3 3 3 3
CO2 3 3 3 3
CO3 3 3 3 3


  1. Determination of focal length of combination of lenses and nodal distance using nodal
    slide assembly. [CO1]
  2. Studying the resolving power of a telescope. [CO1]
  3. Studying the dispersive power of prism. [CO1]
  4. Newton’s ring experiment. [CO2]
  5. Studying the Interference fringes in Wedge shaped films. [CO2]
  6. Determination of wavelength of spectral lines using diffraction grating. [CO2]
  7. Verification of Law of Malus – Polarization. [CO3]
  8. Determination of refractive index of the liquids using Snell’s law. [CO1]
  9. Diffraction at single, double, and multiple slits using laser – studying the intensity
    distribution. [CO2]
  10. Diffraction at circular aperture using laser and estimation of size of particles. [CO2]
  11. Determination of numerical aperture of optical fiber and losses of light in fiber due to Bending and beam profile analysis of Laser. [CO3]
  12. Constructing Michelson interferometer and use it to determine the wavelength of laser
    and refractive index of given glass plate. [CO2]

Evaluation Pattern

CO-PO Mapping

Assessment Internal External
Continuous Laboratory Assessment 80
End Semester 20

*CA – Can be Quizzes, Assignments, Projects, and Reports.

Justification for CO-PO Mapping

Mapping Justification Affinity level
CO1-PO1 CO1 is related to understand the physical principles of geometric optics. Since PO1 is related inculcate strong science (physics) fundamentals, CO1 has been mapped with PO1 with maximum affinity of 3. 3
CO1-PO2 In CO1, students gain the analysing skills of the various geometric optics experiments and hence the affinity level is given maximum for CO1 when mapped with PO2. 3
CO1-SO1 Students develops analysing skills on problems related to the experimental geometric optics which matches well with PSO1 and so it is mapped with maximum affinity 3
CO1-SO2 By performing experiments students enhance the confidence of handling different optical instruments and it is needed to improve their research skills. The mapping of CO1-PSO2 is given a maximum level affinity. 3
CO2-PO1 In CO2, students improve their understanding on the physics of interference and diffractions. So, CO2 is given maximum affinity of 3 when mapped with PO1. 3
CO2-PO2 Students develop their analytical thinking by performing various diffraction and interference experiments. The mapping of CO2 with PO2 is assigned maximum affinity. 3
CO2-PSO1 In CO2, students learn in finding the solutions to fundamental interference and diffraction patterns such as intensity distributions and thus it is mapped with high affinity to PSO1. 3
CO2-PSO2 As students develop their experimental and analytical skills such as plotting the intensity distributions, particle/ aperture size determination etc. (CO2) . Hence, a high affinity level of 3 is given in the mapping of CO2-PSO2. 3
CO3-PO1 In CO3, students enhance their understanding about polarization phenomena and so it is given a maximum affinity with PO1. 3
CO2-PO2 Students develop their analytical thinking by performing various diffraction and interference experiments. The mapping of CO2 with PO2 is assigned maximum affinity. 3

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