Course Syllabus
Theoretical foundations – Security and vulnerability of cyber-physical infrastructure networks, Game theory for infrastructure security, Analytical framework for cyber-physical networks, Security for wireless mobile networks – Jamming attacks, Mobile adhoc networks (MANET), Identity based attacks, Security of sensor networks – Distributed access control, Physical attacks, detection of compromised nodes, Platform security – Hardware: Hardware supply chain, hardware support, Languages: Compiler techniques, Static analysis, Cloud computing and data security – Protecting data in outsourcing scenarios, Mobile cloud computing, Event Monitoring and Situation Awareness – Distributed network and system monitoring, Sensor event analysis, Pervasive sensing and monitoring for situational awareness, Policy issues in security management – Managing and securing critical infrastructure, policies, access control and formal methods, Formal analysis of policy-based security configurations in enterprise networks, Security in Real-World Systems – Security and privacy in the Smart Grid, Automotive Information Technology, Mobile Health-Care (m-health) systems, Internet infrastructure, Emergency vehicular networks, VoIP Telecommunication Networks.