Internet of Things (IoT) is the next big technology and the most important factor impacting fundamental business logic in the coming decades.
Internet of Things or IoT, as it is commonly called, is gaining popularity because it offers remote monitoring and controlling at your fingertips. You can access remote devices and its parameters interactively with the help of internet connectivity from anywhere. IoT runs with GSM, Wi-Fi, Ethernet interfaces that is dependant on the related software module.
The internet of Things(IoT) has evolved from the convergence of wireless technologies, microelectromechanical systems(MEMS) and the internet. By connecting “things” or devices in the real world such as cars, buildings, and industrial equipment, IoT promises to revolutionize our professional and personal life. The IoT market is likely to experience around 28% year-on-year growth, rising to 5.4billion connections across the globe by 2020, which includes cellular, fixed line, satellite and short rage wireless connections.
Internet of Things (IoT) the next big thing in technology and the most important factor impacting fundamental business logic in the coming decades. It is defined as the network of physical objects – devices, vehicles, buildings and other items – embedded with sensors, electronics, software and network connectivity that enables these objects to get the ability to sense and communicate.There are now about 4.6 billion connected devices excluding phones, tablets, and laptops. A recent study released by Gartner says that 43% of all companies are using or plan to implement an IoT application.
Amrita Center for Wireless Networks & Applications (AmritaWNA),
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Amritapuri Campus.
Founded in 2006, the Amrita Center for Wireless Networks and Applications (AmritaWNA) conducts research in theoretical and application areas of wireless networks and communication for humanitarian relief. The Center’s major research areas include the design, development, and deployment of Wireless Communication Systems, Wireless Networking Systems, Wireless Sensor Networks, Internet of Things, Mobile Communication Networks, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Participatory Sensing, Context Aware Systems, and Mobile Computing Systems. Our past contributions have resulted in the design, development and deployment of the world’s first Wireless Sensor Network System for Landslide Monitoring and Early Warning. India’s first Landslide Simulation Laboratory, India’s first Remote Triggered Wireless Sensor Network Laboratory, and India’s first Offshore Communication Network are located in AmritaWNA.
Many of our research has been translated into several patents, publications, and we have been awarded and recognized by India’s Rajya Sabha and by the United Nations Academic Impact initiative.
The Center has developed and continues to develop wireless systems for humanitarian relief. AmritaWNA’s projects span the following application areas: