Year : 2019
A novel prediction model for risk stratification in patients with a type 1 Brugada ECG pattern
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M. Subramanian, Prabhu, M. A., Rai, M., Harikrishnan M. S., Saritha Sekhar, Praveen G. Pai, and Natarajan, K. U., “A novel prediction model for risk stratification in patients with a type 1 Brugada ECG pattern”, Journal of Electrocardiology,
Volume 55, July–August 2019, Pages 65-71, DOI:
Publisher : Journal of Electrocardiology
Year : 2019
Fragmented QRS on electrocardiography as a predictor of myocardial scar in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
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A. C. Ratheendran, Subramanian, M., Bhanu, D. K., Prabhu, M. A., Kannan, R., Natarajan, K. U., S Sekhar, S., Thachathodiyil, R., Harikrishnan M. S., and Pai, P. G., “Fragmented QRS on electrocardiography as a predictor of myocardial scar in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.”, Acta Cardiol, pp. 1-5, 2019.
Publisher : Acta Cardiol
Year : 2016
An unusual type of accessory pathway in tricuspid atresia
Cite this Research Publication : M. A. Prabhu, Vupputuri, A., Shekar, S., Harikrishnan, M. S., Pai, P. G., and Natarajan, K. U., “An unusual type of accessory pathway in tricuspid atresia”, Journal of Cardiology Cases, 2016.
Publisher : Journal of Cardiology Cases, Elsevier Ltd.
Year : 2004
Long-term Follow-up of Mitral Valve Replacement in Children
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M. S. Harikrishnan, Nair, K., Krishnamoorthy, K. M., Tharakan, J. A., Dr. Praveen Varma, Dora, S. K., Harikrishnan, S., Titus, T., Ajithkumar, V. K., Sivasankaran, S., Rajeev, E., Namboodiri, K. K. N., and Neelakandhan, K. S., “Long-term Follow-up of Mitral Valve Replacement in Children”, Indian Heart J., vol. 56, no. 5, 2004.
Publisher : Indian Heart J.