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Dr. Hiran H. Lathabai

Research Scientist, Amrita-CREATE, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus

Qualification: B. Tech., M.Tech., Ph.D
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Research Interest: Scientometrics, Science & Technology Policy, Complex Networks, Technological Forecasting, Technology Management, Data Mining, Data Analytics


Dr. Hiran H. Lathabai is currently working as a Research Scientist at Amrita-CREATE, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus. Prior to that he worked as Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (STIP) Post-doctoral Fellow at Indian Institute of Science. Before that he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Department of Computer Science, Banaras Hindu University. During doctoral and postdoctoral research period, he has developed several frameworks for assessment of progress of research fields, assessment of productivity of actors of Science and Technology, Science and Technology Mapping, Technological forecasting and landscaping, Stock recommendation and portfolio management, Recommendation systems for inventor and institutional collaborations.

Till date, he has published more than 20 publications, of which 19 papers are in Q1 journals like Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Expert Systems with Applications, Scientometrics, Informetrics, Physica A and Utilities Policy. He is an active reviewer of some of these journals and is also serving as the associate editor of the Journal of Scientometric Research (Q2 in LIS). He is a member of International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI). He has also presented/coauthored conference papers in important international conferences organized by IEEE and ISSI, etc.


Journal Article

Year : 2023

Measuring and characterizing research collaboration in SAARC countries

Cite this Research Publication : Dua, J., Lathabai, H.H. & Singh, V.K. Measuring and characterizing research collaboration in SAARC countries. Scientometrics 128, 1265–1294 (2023).

Publisher : Springer-Nature

Year : 2023

Institutional collaboration recommendation: An expertise-based framework using NLP and network analysis

Cite this Research Publication : Hiran H. Lathabai, Abhirup Nandy, Vivek Kumar Singh, Institutional collaboration recommendation: An expertise-based framework using NLP and network analysis, Expert Systems with Applications, Volume 209,

2022, 118317,

Publisher : Elsevier Ltd

Year : 2023

Contextual Ψ-index and its estimate for contextual productivity assessment

Cite this Research Publication : Lathabai, H.H., Prabhakaran, T. Contextual Ψ-index and its estimate for contextual productivity assessment. Scientometrics 128, 4875–4886 (2023).

Publisher : Springer-Nature

Year : 2022

x-index: Identifying core competency and thematic research strengths of institutions using an NLP and network based ranking framework

Cite this Research Publication : Lathabai, H.H., Nandy, A. & Singh, V.K (2021). x-index: Identifying core competency and thematic research strengths of institutions using an NLP and network based ranking framework. Scientometrics, 126(12), 9557-9583.

Publisher : Springer-Nature

Year : 2022

ResearchGate and Google Scholar: how much do they differ in publications, citations and different metrics and why?

Cite this Research Publication : Singh, V.K., Srichandan, S.S. & Lathabai, H.H. ResearchGate and Google Scholar: how much do they differ in publications, citations and different metrics and why?. Scientometrics 127, 1515–1542 (2022).

Publisher : Springer-Nature

Year : 2022

Indian Science Reports: a web-based scientometric portal for mapping Indian research competencies at overall and institutional levels

Cite this Research Publication : Singh, V.K., Nandy, A., Singh, P. et al. Indian Science Reports: a web-based scientometric portal for mapping Indian research competencies at overall and institutional levels. Scientometrics 127, 4227–4236 (2022).

Publisher : Springer-Nature

Year : 2022

Power Laws in altmetrics: An empirical analysis

Cite this Research Publication : Sumit Kumar Banshal, Solanki Gupta, Hiran H Lathabai, Vivek Kumar Singh, Power Laws in altmetrics: An empirical analysis, Journal of Informetrics, Volume 16, Issue 3, 2022, 101309,

Publisher : Elsevier Ltd.

Year : 2021

A framework for inventor collaboration recommendation system based on network approach

Cite this Research Publication : George, S., Lathabai, H. H., Prabhakaran, T., & Changat, M. (2021). “A framework for inventor collaboration recommendation system based on network approach”. Expert Systems with Applications, 176, 114833.

Publisher : Elsevier Ltd

Year : 2020

A framework towards bias-free contextual productivity assessment

Cite this Research Publication : George, S., Lathabai, H. H., Prabhakaran, T., & Changat, M (2020) “A framework towards bias-free contextual productivity assessment” Scientometrics 122.1, 127-157.

Publisher : Springer-Nature

Year : 2020

ψ-index: A new overall productivity index for actors of science and technology

Cite this Research Publication : Lathabai, H. H. (2020), “ψ-index: A new overall productivity index for actors of science and technology” Informetrics 14.4, 101096.

Publisher : Elsevier Ltd.

Year : 2019

Competing, complementary and co-existing paradigms in techno-scientific literature: A case study of Nano technology for engineering

Cite this Research Publication : Prabhakaran, T., Lathabai, H. H., George, S. (2019) “Competing, complementary and co-existing paradigms in techno-scientific literature: A case study of Nano technology for engineering”. Scientometrics. 118.3, 941-977.

Publisher : Springer-Nature

Year : 2018

Wire-free electric utility: Insights from a techno-futuristic exploration

Cite this Research Publication : Manohar, M., Lathabai, H. H., George, S., and Prabhakaran, T. (2018) “Wire-free electric utility: Insights from a techno-futuristic exploration”. Utilities Policy. 53, 3-14.

Publisher : Elsevier Ltd.

Year : 2018

An integrated approach to path analysis for weighted citation networks

Cite this Research Publication : Lathabai, H. H., George, S., Prabhakaran, T., & Changat, M. (2018) “An integrated approach to path analysis for weighted citation networks”. Scientometrics. 117.3, 1871–1904.

Publisher : Springer-Nature

Year : 2018

Towards prediction of paradigm shifts from scientific literature

Cite this Research Publication : Prabhakaran, T., Lathabai, H. H., George, S., & Changat, M. (2018) “Towards prediction of paradigm shifts from scientific literature”. Scientometrics. 117.3, 1611–1644.

Publisher : Springer-Nature

Year : 2017

Contextual productivity assessment of authors and journals: a network scientometric approach

Cite this Research Publication : Lathabai, H. H., Prabhakaran, T., and Changat, M. (2017) “Contextual productivity assessment of authors and journals: a network scientometric approach”. Scientometrics. 110.2, 711-737.

Publisher : Springer-Nature

Year : 2017

Discovering interdisciplinary interactions between two research fields using citation networks

Cite this Research Publication : Karunan, K., Lathabai, H. H., and Prabhakaran, T. (2017) “Discovering interdisciplinary interactions between two research fields using citation networks”. Scientometrics. 113.1, 335-367.

Publisher : Springer-Nature

Year : 2015

Detection of paradigm shifts and emerging fields using scientific network: A case study of Information Technology for Engineering

Cite this Research Publication : Prabhakaran, T., Lathabai, H. H., & Changat, M. (2015) “Detection of paradigm shifts and emerging fields using scientific network: A case study of Information Technology for Engineering”. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 91, 124-145.

Publisher : Elsevier Ltd.

Year : 2015

Centrality and Flow Vergence gradient based Path analysis of scientific literature: A case study of Biotechnology for Engineering

Cite this Research Publication : Lathabai, H. H., Prabhakaran, T., & Changat, M. (2015) “Centrality and Flow Vergence gradient based Path analysis of scientific literature: A case study of Biotechnology for Engineering”. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 429, 157-168.

Publisher : Elsevier Ltd.

Conference Paper

Year : 2021

Expertise-based institutional collaboration recommendation in different thematic areas

Cite this Research Publication : Hiran H. Lathabai, and Abhirup Nandy and Vivek Kumar Singh. Expertise-based institutional collaboration recommendation in different thematic areas. In proceedings of BIR 2021 Workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval 2021, 45-52.

Publisher :

Year : 2021

An empirical analysis of existence of Power Laws in social media mentions to scholarly articles

Cite this Research Publication : Sumit Kumar Banshal, Aparna Basu, Vivek Kumar Singh, Hiran H. Lathabai, Solanki Gupta and Pranab K. Muhuri. An empirical analysis of existence of Power Laws in social media mentions to scholarly articles. In proceedings of 18th International Conference of Scientometrics and Informetrics (ISSI 2021 Virtual Event KU Leuven, Belgium), 12-15 July, 2021, 81-92.

Publisher : ISSI

Year : 2021

Network Approach for Inventor Collaboration Recommendation System

Cite this Research Publication : George S., Lathabai H.H., Prabhakaran T., Changat M. (2021) Network Approach for Inventor Collaboration Recommendation System. In: Palesi M., Trajkovic L., Jayakumari J., Jose J. (eds) Second International Conference on Networks and Advances in Computational Technologies. Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence.

Publisher : Springer, Cham

Year : 2021

Towards Stock Recommendation and Portfolio Management Systems Using Network Analysis

Cite this Research Publication : George S., Lathabai H.H., Prabhakaran T., Changat M. (2021) Towards Stock Recommendation and Portfolio Management Systems Using Network Analysis. In: Palesi M., Trajkovic L., Jayakumari J., Jose J. (eds) Second International Conference on Networks and Advances in Computational Technologies. Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence.

Publisher : Springer, Cham.

  • 2020 : Ph. D in Futures Studies, specialized in Scientometrics, from University of Kerala.
  • 2012 : M.Tech. in Technology Management from Department of Futures Studies, University of Kerala.
  • B.Tech. in Electronics & Communication Engineering, College of Engineering Kottarakkara, Cochin University of Science & Technology.
Awards / Achievements
  • Received travel grant from organizers of AROSIM 2018 at NTU, Singapore 
  • Associate Editor, Journal of Scientometric Research (Since 2022)
  • Assistant Editor, Journal of Scientometric Research (2019-2022)
  • Senior Associate Fellow, Journal of Scientometric Research (2018-2019) 
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