Over the years Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham has developed working relationship with many of the best universities in the world. Amrita Center for International Programs plays a developmental, strategic and co-coordinating role in the institution’s International work, seeking to provide quality support both internally and externally.
The past year was packed with distinguished guests, increasing the overall international outlook of Amrita to greater heights. We focus discussions towards research in every discipline and have hosted 147 guests in Amritapuri, Bangalore, Coimbatore and Kochi campuses. During these visits, we organized 49 distinguished talks, 15 workshops, and coordinated 10 international conferences.
Here is a listing of the international adjunct faculty members of Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
The Amrita Center for International Programs (ACIP) conducts guest lectures showcasing talks from industry experts.
Every year officials from ‘Amrita Center for International Programs’ and other faculty from Amrita visit top universities and industries in Japan, United States, Europe and Australia. They meet senior professionals, professors and scholars and discuss potential collaborations pertaining to Research, Student Exchanges, Dual Degree Programs, Education Based Projects, and Remote Teaching & PhD Guidance.