- M. Tech. in Automotive Engineering -
- Fellowship In Interventional Pulmonology and Pulmonary Critical care - Fellowship
October 24, 2011
School of Engineering, Amritapuri
As in years past, this year also Amrita is one of the two centers in India hosting the ACM-ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest) in Asia.
Below is the Director’s report on the preliminary online round that was conducted in October for all Indian participants.
The online contest went very well. It was the largest contest conducted so far, with an increase in enrolment by 40% from last year. It was open to teams of undergraduate and postgraduate university students. Participation was free for all registered contestants.
The goal was to select a set of teams for competing in the on-site contest scheduled for December 12, 2011 at our campuses in Amritapuri, Kerala and Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
Only Indian teams were eligible for the online contest; international teams are directly invited to participate on-site.
There were five problems to be solved in four hours. The problem set was well-conceived. Our problem-setting and judging panel included programming experts from India, North America and Europe, some of whom were ICPC World Finalists in past years.
The easiest problem was solved by 80% of the teams. Most of the remaining 20% probably did not take the time to familiarize themselves with our judging system Mooshak and its compiler before the contest. Mooshak has been well supported by University Porto in Portugal. They have added several of our asked-for features.
All teams that solved at least one problem, and were the first from their universities, were selected for the on-site round. Many strong teams participated from some colleges.
Six interconnected IBM blade servers were used to handle the load; these servers performed well.
Contestants used their own computers located all over India and participated through a web-based interface.
I would like to thank the Amrita University ICTS and other staff members as well as the volunteering students for the long hours they put in and the dedication they showed for tasks such as registration and computer support.
Our sponsors IBM, Infosys, Directi and IP Infusion did more than just supply funds. They conducted joint events and publicized the contest and provided the powerful blade servers.
Management of ICPC Worldwide provided regular support.
We are proud to be a part of the ICPC family. This event was a partnership between all of us.
I invite you to take a look at some of our interesting participation statistics from this year and the previous year.
– Dr. Vallath Nandakumar, Regional Contest Director, Amrita University
Participation Statistics Summarized
2010 |
2011 |
No. of initial registrations |
1100 |
1065 |
No. of teams with complete and accepted registrations |
568 |
709 |
No. of institutions with complete accepted registrations |
130 |
142 |
No. of teams of 3-4 members who actually took part |
447 |
674 |
No. of participant institutions |
106 |
129 |
No. of teams that solved at least 1/5 problems |
300, 67% of total |
538, 80% of total |
No. of teams that solved at least 2/5 problems |
148, 33% |
359, 53% |
No. of teams that solved at least 3/5 problems |
73, 16% |
235, 35% |
No. of teams that solved at least 4/5 problems |
17, 4% |
45, 7% |
No. of teams that solved all five problems |
8, 2% |
8, 1% |
No. of teams who will be finally selected for the on-site contest from India |
125 |
140 |
No. of colleges who will be finally selected from Asia |
90 |
125 estimated |